Upon Joining, all Members are required to read and abide by our Rules, Health and safety policy and Risk assessments. That can be found upon this page.
When using member organisations facilities, it is your responsibility to check their credentials, insurance and risk assessments.
At Redbridge Lakes we pride ourselves upon the sense of community cohesion we have developed here
Please be sure to interact with your fellow members regardless of their race or culture, as this is what has made our community here so friendly and special.
Members are allowed to bring guests along with them to use the facilities.
Your key will open the café door and at times when we are not staffed, you can serve yourself from the drinks and food that is readily available and we will trust that you will pay by cash, card or PayPal the correct money through the slot in the counter.
Similarly, Angling members can bring along the occasional guest for fishing and you can serve yourself to bait and any bits of tackle you require and pay by PayPal or cash through the slot outside the shop.
Up to TWO Children fishing with a paying adult fish for free.
Your adult guest pays the same price as a member. Except Fishing Fees that are priced at a premium for Guests.
Please remember, that if you bring guests along, they are your responsibility and you must be here to let them in and out with your key.
Members with Dogs.
All dogs no matter what shape or size must always be kept on a lead.
It’s also your responsibility to have adequate liability insurance.
It goes without saying that dogs mess must be cleared up.
Dogs are not allowed in the café.
Yappy dogs that affect members peace and quiet are not welcome.
Finally, our German Shepherd Guard Dog, has a free run of the lakes up to an hour before sunset and an hour after sunrise. She is not a particular lover of other dogs, so if you are visiting with your dog early morning or late evening, please check with us first in order to prevent any doggy conflict.
Walking Around.
Visitors are reminded that the Anglers Pay a fee to fish here and have priority whilst fishing, so please keep away from anglers and the bank side and very importantly, do not attempt to step over the extremely fragile and expensive fishing poles that you will occasionally see across the footpath. If you ask, the anglers would much prefer to move them out of your way, than risk an expensive accident.
The Environment and wildlife preservation.
We don’t need to remind you of the importance of clearing away rubbish, hooks and lines etc, but It may be worth reminding you that fish and other creatures can also suffer from the affects of nicotine, so please don’t throw cigarette butts into the water or on the ground.
Fish should be treated with the respect they deserve just like any other creature and their well being should be at the top of every respectable anglers list. Barbed hooks are a definite no; you should always use barbless hooks. Handling fish with a towel is another definite no, as it removes the slime that protects it against disease. Take great care unhooking fish to prevent any damage, deep hooked fish should only be disgorged with a plastic disgorger. ( Not forceps) Always use a landing net on larger fish, swinging them to hand will damage their mouth. Return them safely to the water as soon as possible.
Please don’t feed the wildlife, there is plenty of natural food here. Feeding causes them to become attracted to the anglers as they learn to believe that anyone who gets close to the bank side is there to feed them and they could become entangled in the angler’s line.
Respect for fellow members.
No Fires , Barbecues or Picnics. SEE FAQs below.
No alcohol (unless purchased and consumed in the café area).
No noisy or indecent behaviour.
Use the toilets provided in the main café building
If you wish to pick any of the fruit or berries during the season then you are welcome, but only for your consumption whist you are here, please leave some for the next person.

Can I have a BBQ or PicnicGenerally speaking the answer is no unless you have made arrangements with us in advance. We now have a communal BBQ that all members can share. If you want exclusive use of the BBQ, this can be arranged in advance for a fee. Members bringing guests are reminded that alcohol and food should be purchased from the café or you must make special arrangements with us in advance. We have an affordable café here and the profits from it help the running of the lakes. We don't object to angling members bringing a bite to eat with them whilst fishing or people with special dietary needs. Redbridge Lakes is a place to chill out and its unfair on your fellow members if you are partying whilst they are there to relax. So please be mindful and don't disturb others. Members should remind their guests that we have a ZERO litter policy at the lakes. RULES , FEES and CONDITIONS. 1. MEMBERS ONLY + 1 ADULT GUEST/Spouse. FREE OF CHARGE. (Anglers with One or less guests can eat where they are fishing.) 2. THE FURNITURE IN AND AROUND THE CAFE MUST NOT BE MOVED OR USED TO SIT AND CONSUME YOUR OWN FOOD. 3. BBQ food must be prepared and eaten in the BBQ AREA ONLY. 4. Picnics with more than 2 people should be prepared and eaten in the grassed designated areas either side of the café up to and not past the gates. 5. GROUPS of 8 or more INCLUDING children. Must book in advance to use our side garden and agree a fee 6. EXTRA ADULT GUESTS Must pay a fee. 7. ALCOHOL. Must be purchased from the CAFE. 8. EXCLUSIVE USE of the BBQ can be booked for a fee in advance. 9. The Areas and BBQ must be left tidy ready for the next member to use and all rubbish should be placed in the MAIN CAR PARK BINS. FEES: MEMBERS + 1 ADULT GUEST/Spouse/kids. FREE OF CHARGE. ADDITIONAL ADULT GUESTS. £ 5.00 each. Exclusive use of BBQ. £30.00 Use of Side Garden. To be negotiated
Can members bring guestsMembers are encouraged to bring family and friends with them. It is your responsibility as a member to check your guests are abiding by the rules and you should always be present so you can let them in and out of the front gates, shop and café . Please don't expect our staff to allow access to your guests if they call on the gate intercom. Members can bring along anglers as guests on the ODD occasion The Fishing fee for Guests is £ 15. We would expect your guest to become a member if they enjoy their day and would like to come again. Please also see Answer to Picnics and BBQs above. Members should remind their guests that we have a ZERO litter policy at the lakes.
Do I need to be a member to visitYes you need to be a member in order to gain access. If you know a member, you could ask them to bring you along as a guest.
Can I take a look around before I joinIt would be great if we could afford to employ someone to show people around before they join, yet this is not commercially viable. We do have the occasional open days and you could always ask a member to bring you along. Please look through the website and if there is anything you are unsure about, please drop us an email and we will do our level best to answer your questions. Or you can simply join up and if you don't like what you see when you first visit, we can refund you on that day.
How much does the fishing costFishing costs have remained the same now for over 10 years. Its just £10 for a full day or £2 for and hour. We don't restrict you to just one rod, you can have another if you wish. Children under 16 ( Max TWO ) don't pay for fishing, so long as they are sharing a swim with a paying adult. We have poles and Nets here that you can hire for FREE. you just need to purchase a rig and bait. Rigs cost £6 and are reusable. Allow about £2. for bait. Fishing Guests Pay £3 per hour or £15 per day.
I want to bring my children to learn how to fishThat's fine, if you are not and angler yourself, you may wish to come along to one of our instruction days. or if you check out the videos on this site, you will find lots of useful tips . Beginners are encouraged to stay close to the café, there are plenty of fish around here and you will normally find a member who can help if you get into trouble.
What discounts are there for senior citizens and disabledEveryone pays the same here, it keeps things simple. We will make some concessions for disabled groups and the like, so long as one of the group becomes a member. Please email us and agree in advance.
what fish are in the lakesPredominantly we are what is know as silverfish lakes. We do have some nice carp in Lake Daisy yet we don't consider ourselves as a carp fishery. Roach Rudd Ide Hybrids Chub Bream Tench Crucians Brown fish Gold Fish Orfe Gudgeon Eels Perch Commons Mirrors
How do the fishing competitions workGenerally, our fishing competitions are on Sundays and Wednesdays and they are restricted to Members and the occasional guest. Unless we send out a newsletter telling you the lakes are full, you will always find space to leisure fish. Its great to get involved in competition fishing, you will meet lots of other competitive , yet friendly anglers here who will be more than willing to give you tips on how to improve your fishing. We normally meet up in or around the café in the morning and arrange where everyone will fish. the start time is generally 10am and we stop fishing on the whistle at 4pm. Your fish are kept in the keepnet during the day ( we can loan you one at first ) and we weigh them just after the final whistle to see who has caught the most. We encourage anglers of all abilities to join in. Don't worry being humiliated by a great angler who catches more than you. its a great way of learning and there is lots of fun and banter at the same time. Your day ticket costs the same £10 and there is an additional fee of £10 that goes into the prize fund. Some of our competitions involve you joining into opposing teams and the winning team shares the prize equally between them, so even if you only catch a tiddler, you could be in the winning team and share a prize. You may wish to join our Match anglers Facebook group called : Redbridge Lakes Match Group. Here you will see lots of information about the competitions and photos of the fish that have been caught and you can ask any questions you need answered. Don't be afraid, come and join in the fun, you will enjoy it.
Where does the water come fromThe water is mostly road run off from Roding Lane North and some that seeps through from the Claybury hills. Its filtered naturally through the silt trap, more commonly know as the King Fisher pool and through reeds on the islands where it finally gets pumped back to lake Cuthbert. You will be amazed how many pipes are under the landscape.
How deep are the lakesThe lakes are about 60cm near the bank and 150cm in the middle, this is consistent across and around both lakes.
Disability accessAccess for those with difficulties has been taken into consideration and you will find we have appropriate disabled toilets and ramps into the café and other areas. We have built a hard pathway that leads around the nature trail and up to the bee hives. Access to the bankside for fishing is available in many spots and should not be challenging.
What are your opening timesOpening time vary throughout the year depending upon the daylight conditions. As a rule of thumb, we open at at around 7am and close 30mins before sunset. We send out regular newsletters by email with lots of current information including open and closing times. The Café is staffed 3 days a week generally Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays where you can be served with a cooked breakfast or lunch. At all other times the café is open with a self serve facility
Can I use a keepnetFish welfare is of a major concern, so we only allow keepnets on competition days. At all other times, fish Must be returned straight away after gently being unhooked.
What are the bait restrictionsWe don't have restrictions on baits. Yet we do ask you to use common sense and not introduce masses of boilies and other strange concoctions into the water More importantly, Please don't throw your unwanted bait into the lake or on the banks at the end of the day. This only encourages Vermin and stagnates the water causing oxygen deficiencies and harm to the ecology.
What is the difference between a barbed and barbless hook.A barbed hook is much more difficult to remove from a fishes mouth and can cause untold damage, where a barbless hook is much kinder and is easily removed. Therefore BARBED HOOKS MUST NOT BE USE HERE.
Can we swim in the lakesAbsolutely NO Swimming. Unless a prearranged open water swim is booked with our management team
Can I feed the ducksFeeding the wild foul is not so good apart perhaps in the winter when the lakes are frozen. At other times the birds have plenty of natural food to eat here that is much better for them. Bread left on the bankside can encourage a vermin problem, so we do ask you to refrain from feeding the birds.
How to I Photograph a fishIf you catch a nice fish and you want to take a photo: Remove the hook and place the fish into a landing net and keep it in the water whilst you are getting your camera set up. Ideally Big Carp should be held low to the ground upon or close to an unhooking mat. Other species can be held over the landing net and close to the ground. Please don't let us see a photo of you holding a fish whilst standing up, or swinging from a line. Fish welfare is of major importance, they give you lots of pleasure, so please treat them with respect and make sure they re returned to the water unharmed.
Do you hire out equipmentWe have poles and landing nets here that you can borrow for FREE. You will need to purchase a rig costing around £5. that you can use again on another occasion. In order to monitor casual anglers, the borrowed poles are restricted for use locally to the café area. Please also see our Rule : The environment and wildlife preservation. You will need to purchase your own fishing tackle if you wish to fish the other lake areas.
Can we book the lake for an eventYes, So long as your activity does not restrict the other members , we will always try and accommodate you.
What are those broken shells on the bankMink and Otters are probably the only swimming creatures tough enough to break the fresh water muscle shells. We don't have any Otters here, but we do have a few Mink
Can a club book the lakes for fishingSo long as one person in the club is a member, we can arrange in advance for clubs to book a number of swims.
How long have the lakes been hereWe built the lakes in 2008. Photographs of the build are outside the tackle shop
Can I purchase the lakes honeyOccasionally we do have some Honey for sale normally from July to around September. Get in quick as it sells out very quickly
What is the recycle shopThe recycle shop originated from the friends group to raise funds for the development and upkeep of the Nature Trail, that is now available for use by schools and community groups upon request. Members bring along items they wish to donate and others leave a cash donation for the item they wish to take.
Can I bring my DogDogs are allowed, so long as they are kept on a lead and don't cause a nuisance to members. You must be in possession of a doggy bag. Your dog must be insured. We don't allow dogs in the café
What is your policy with Children and Vulnerable adults.We encourage all guardians of Children and Vulnerable adults to take notice of our Health and Safety documents. We are essentially a natural environment which comes with its natural risks. Guardians must carry out their own risk assessments and take all steps to insure the safety of people under their supervision.
Have you a price list for your wellbeing rooms rental and other spaces and activitiesRedbridge Lakes: Embracing Wellbeing and Community Redbridge Lakes: Our Journey and Vision Originally established as a family fishery dedicated to nature conservation, Redbridge Lakes has significantly evolved over the years. Recognizing the increasing number of individuals and groups utilizing the venue for general wellbeing, we founded Wellbeing@TheLakes to support this growing demand. This initiative, although in its early stages, is rooted in over 15 years of experience. Redbridge Lakes Ltd and Wellbeing@TheLakes: A Collaborative Effort Wellbeing@TheLakes unites over 20 Member Organizations (MOs), including individuals, charity groups, and commercial entities. Our goal is to foster a collaborative environment where these groups can share experiences and support one another. Membership and Benefits Becoming a Member or Member Organization costs £30 to enroll, with an ongoing monthly fee of £5. Membership benefits include: A key for access to the front gate, café, and shop. Use of the green space, known as the Nature Trail, for outdoor activities at no charge. The ability to invite guests or clients to the venue, with members responsible for their guests' entry and exit. Discounts on member organizations' events and business activities. Available Spaces for Rent In addition to the Nature Trail, we offer several spaces available for rent: 1. Meeting Room Ideal for small groups and meetings, this space can be sealed off from the café area and has its own entrance. Rates: Full day or evening: £40 Half day (up to 4 hours): £30 Per hour: £10 2. Massage Room Fully equipped and sound-insulated, suitable for treatments or one-on-one consultations. Rates: Full day or evening: £35 Half day (up to 4 hours): £20 Per hour: £12 3. Treatment Room Commonly used by a beautician, available for various treatments. Rates: Full day or evening: £40 Half day (up to 4 hours): £30 Per hour: £15 4. Private Side Garden Suitable for small family events or gatherings, accommodating 50 or more people. Rates: Full day or evening: £50 + £5 per adult (children negotiable) Half day (up to 4 hours): £40 + £3 per adult (children negotiable) 5. BBQ Area Rates: Exclusive use: Full day or evening: £50 or half day (up to 4 hours): £30 Family use (1 member + spouse and 2 children): Free when shared with other families, additional guests £5 per head. 6. Lake Joy Rates: Exclusive use: £120 for all day or all night, includes the hut. Redbridge Lakes continues to be a hub for community and wellbeing, offering various spaces and opportunities for members and their guests to enjoy and benefit from. Join us in fostering a supportive and collaborative environment.
Fishing Rules:
All anglers must pay for fishing before they leave the venue.
No Keep nets to be used. (except in competitions or with prior consent)
Landing nets will be supplied by the fishery if you don't have your own. -
Keep nets for competitions must be clean and dry before use.
Only single BARBLESS hooks to be used.
Trace lines must be used with a lower breaking strain to main line.
No excessive ground baiting or disposing of bait in the water or on bankside at the end of the day.
This can lead to poor water quality, distressed fish, poor catch rates and vermin problems (Any unused bait must be taken away or left with the management for proper disposal). -
No fishing from anywhere except the designated fishing positions.
All fish must be returned to the water as soon as possible.
Fish must be unhooked carefully. if you are unable to disgorge a fish please ask for assistance.
Swinging large fish to hand without the use of a landing net will not be tolerated.
Walking along the bank with fish will not be tolerated.
Photographs of fish must be with fish in or over a wet net close to the ground.
Do not use a towel to hold fish as it removes their protective slime.
Risk Assessment for Play Areas
Risk Assessment for Young Persons or Vulnerable Adults visiting Redbridge Lakes
Risk Assessment for Vulnerable Persons Fishing on Redbridge Lakes
Risk Assessment for Users of Redbridge Lakes - Non Anglers
Risk Assessment of Redbridge Lakes and its Surroundings
Redbridge Lakes Health & Safety Policy
Risk Assessment for Users of Redbridge Lakes - Anglers
Can I have a BBQ or PicnicGenerally speaking the answer is no unless you have made arrangements with us in advance. We now have a communal BBQ that all members can share. If you want exclusive use of the BBQ, this can be arranged in advance for a fee. Members bringing guests are reminded that alcohol and food should be purchased from the café or you must make special arrangements with us in advance. We have an affordable café here and the profits from it help the running of the lakes. We don't object to angling members bringing a bite to eat with them whilst fishing or people with special dietary needs. Redbridge Lakes is a place to chill out and its unfair on your fellow members if you are partying whilst they are there to relax. So please be mindful and don't disturb others. Members should remind their guests that we have a ZERO litter policy at the lakes. RULES , FEES and CONDITIONS. 1. MEMBERS ONLY + 1 ADULT GUEST/Spouse. FREE OF CHARGE. (Anglers with One or less guests can eat where they are fishing.) 2. THE FURNITURE IN AND AROUND THE CAFE MUST NOT BE MOVED OR USED TO SIT AND CONSUME YOUR OWN FOOD. 3. BBQ food must be prepared and eaten in the BBQ AREA ONLY. 4. Picnics with more than 2 people should be prepared and eaten in the grassed designated areas either side of the café up to and not past the gates. 5. GROUPS of 8 or more INCLUDING children. Must book in advance to use our side garden and agree a fee 6. EXTRA ADULT GUESTS Must pay a fee. 7. ALCOHOL. Must be purchased from the CAFE. 8. EXCLUSIVE USE of the BBQ can be booked for a fee in advance. 9. The Areas and BBQ must be left tidy ready for the next member to use and all rubbish should be placed in the MAIN CAR PARK BINS. FEES: MEMBERS + 1 ADULT GUEST/Spouse/kids. FREE OF CHARGE. ADDITIONAL ADULT GUESTS. £ 5.00 each. Exclusive use of BBQ. £30.00 Use of Side Garden. To be negotiated
Can members bring guestsMembers are encouraged to bring family and friends with them. It is your responsibility as a member to check your guests are abiding by the rules and you should always be present so you can let them in and out of the front gates, shop and café . Please don't expect our staff to allow access to your guests if they call on the gate intercom. Members can bring along anglers as guests on the ODD occasion The Fishing fee for Guests is £ 15. We would expect your guest to become a member if they enjoy their day and would like to come again. Please also see Answer to Picnics and BBQs above. Members should remind their guests that we have a ZERO litter policy at the lakes.
Do I need to be a member to visitYes you need to be a member in order to gain access. If you know a member, you could ask them to bring you along as a guest.
Can I take a look around before I joinIt would be great if we could afford to employ someone to show people around before they join, yet this is not commercially viable. We do have the occasional open days and you could always ask a member to bring you along. Please look through the website and if there is anything you are unsure about, please drop us an email and we will do our level best to answer your questions. Or you can simply join up and if you don't like what you see when you first visit, we can refund you on that day.
How much does the fishing costFishing costs have remained the same now for over 10 years. Its just £10 for a full day or £2 for and hour. We don't restrict you to just one rod, you can have another if you wish. Children under 16 ( Max TWO ) don't pay for fishing, so long as they are sharing a swim with a paying adult. We have poles and Nets here that you can hire for FREE. you just need to purchase a rig and bait. Rigs cost £6 and are reusable. Allow about £2. for bait. Fishing Guests Pay £3 per hour or £15 per day.
I want to bring my children to learn how to fishThat's fine, if you are not and angler yourself, you may wish to come along to one of our instruction days. or if you check out the videos on this site, you will find lots of useful tips . Beginners are encouraged to stay close to the café, there are plenty of fish around here and you will normally find a member who can help if you get into trouble.
What discounts are there for senior citizens and disabledEveryone pays the same here, it keeps things simple. We will make some concessions for disabled groups and the like, so long as one of the group becomes a member. Please email us and agree in advance.
what fish are in the lakesPredominantly we are what is know as silverfish lakes. We do have some nice carp in Lake Daisy yet we don't consider ourselves as a carp fishery. Roach Rudd Ide Hybrids Chub Bream Tench Crucians Brown fish Gold Fish Orfe Gudgeon Eels Perch Commons Mirrors
How do the fishing competitions workGenerally, our fishing competitions are on Sundays and Wednesdays and they are restricted to Members and the occasional guest. Unless we send out a newsletter telling you the lakes are full, you will always find space to leisure fish. Its great to get involved in competition fishing, you will meet lots of other competitive , yet friendly anglers here who will be more than willing to give you tips on how to improve your fishing. We normally meet up in or around the café in the morning and arrange where everyone will fish. the start time is generally 10am and we stop fishing on the whistle at 4pm. Your fish are kept in the keepnet during the day ( we can loan you one at first ) and we weigh them just after the final whistle to see who has caught the most. We encourage anglers of all abilities to join in. Don't worry being humiliated by a great angler who catches more than you. its a great way of learning and there is lots of fun and banter at the same time. Your day ticket costs the same £10 and there is an additional fee of £10 that goes into the prize fund. Some of our competitions involve you joining into opposing teams and the winning team shares the prize equally between them, so even if you only catch a tiddler, you could be in the winning team and share a prize. You may wish to join our Match anglers Facebook group called : Redbridge Lakes Match Group. Here you will see lots of information about the competitions and photos of the fish that have been caught and you can ask any questions you need answered. Don't be afraid, come and join in the fun, you will enjoy it.
Where does the water come fromThe water is mostly road run off from Roding Lane North and some that seeps through from the Claybury hills. Its filtered naturally through the silt trap, more commonly know as the King Fisher pool and through reeds on the islands where it finally gets pumped back to lake Cuthbert. You will be amazed how many pipes are under the landscape.
How deep are the lakesThe lakes are about 60cm near the bank and 150cm in the middle, this is consistent across and around both lakes.
Disability accessAccess for those with difficulties has been taken into consideration and you will find we have appropriate disabled toilets and ramps into the café and other areas. We have built a hard pathway that leads around the nature trail and up to the bee hives. Access to the bankside for fishing is available in many spots and should not be challenging.
What are your opening timesOpening time vary throughout the year depending upon the daylight conditions. As a rule of thumb, we open at at around 7am and close 30mins before sunset. We send out regular newsletters by email with lots of current information including open and closing times. The Café is staffed 3 days a week generally Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays where you can be served with a cooked breakfast or lunch. At all other times the café is open with a self serve facility
Can I use a keepnetFish welfare is of a major concern, so we only allow keepnets on competition days. At all other times, fish Must be returned straight away after gently being unhooked.
What are the bait restrictionsWe don't have restrictions on baits. Yet we do ask you to use common sense and not introduce masses of boilies and other strange concoctions into the water More importantly, Please don't throw your unwanted bait into the lake or on the banks at the end of the day. This only encourages Vermin and stagnates the water causing oxygen deficiencies and harm to the ecology.
What is the difference between a barbed and barbless hook.A barbed hook is much more difficult to remove from a fishes mouth and can cause untold damage, where a barbless hook is much kinder and is easily removed. Therefore BARBED HOOKS MUST NOT BE USE HERE.
Can we swim in the lakesAbsolutely NO Swimming. Unless a prearranged open water swim is booked with our management team
Can I feed the ducksFeeding the wild foul is not so good apart perhaps in the winter when the lakes are frozen. At other times the birds have plenty of natural food to eat here that is much better for them. Bread left on the bankside can encourage a vermin problem, so we do ask you to refrain from feeding the birds.
How to I Photograph a fishIf you catch a nice fish and you want to take a photo: Remove the hook and place the fish into a landing net and keep it in the water whilst you are getting your camera set up. Ideally Big Carp should be held low to the ground upon or close to an unhooking mat. Other species can be held over the landing net and close to the ground. Please don't let us see a photo of you holding a fish whilst standing up, or swinging from a line. Fish welfare is of major importance, they give you lots of pleasure, so please treat them with respect and make sure they re returned to the water unharmed.
Do you hire out equipmentWe have poles and landing nets here that you can borrow for FREE. You will need to purchase a rig costing around £5. that you can use again on another occasion. In order to monitor casual anglers, the borrowed poles are restricted for use locally to the café area. Please also see our Rule : The environment and wildlife preservation. You will need to purchase your own fishing tackle if you wish to fish the other lake areas.
Can we book the lake for an eventYes, So long as your activity does not restrict the other members , we will always try and accommodate you.
What are those broken shells on the bankMink and Otters are probably the only swimming creatures tough enough to break the fresh water muscle shells. We don't have any Otters here, but we do have a few Mink
Can a club book the lakes for fishingSo long as one person in the club is a member, we can arrange in advance for clubs to book a number of swims.
How long have the lakes been hereWe built the lakes in 2008. Photographs of the build are outside the tackle shop
Can I purchase the lakes honeyOccasionally we do have some Honey for sale normally from July to around September. Get in quick as it sells out very quickly
What is the recycle shopThe recycle shop originated from the friends group to raise funds for the development and upkeep of the Nature Trail, that is now available for use by schools and community groups upon request. Members bring along items they wish to donate and others leave a cash donation for the item they wish to take.
Can I bring my DogDogs are allowed, so long as they are kept on a lead and don't cause a nuisance to members. You must be in possession of a doggy bag. Your dog must be insured. We don't allow dogs in the café
What is your policy with Children and Vulnerable adults.We encourage all guardians of Children and Vulnerable adults to take notice of our Health and Safety documents. We are essentially a natural environment which comes with its natural risks. Guardians must carry out their own risk assessments and take all steps to insure the safety of people under their supervision.
Have you a price list for your wellbeing rooms rental and other spaces and activitiesRedbridge Lakes: Embracing Wellbeing and Community Redbridge Lakes: Our Journey and Vision Originally established as a family fishery dedicated to nature conservation, Redbridge Lakes has significantly evolved over the years. Recognizing the increasing number of individuals and groups utilizing the venue for general wellbeing, we founded Wellbeing@TheLakes to support this growing demand. This initiative, although in its early stages, is rooted in over 15 years of experience. Redbridge Lakes Ltd and Wellbeing@TheLakes: A Collaborative Effort Wellbeing@TheLakes unites over 20 Member Organizations (MOs), including individuals, charity groups, and commercial entities. Our goal is to foster a collaborative environment where these groups can share experiences and support one another. Membership and Benefits Becoming a Member or Member Organization costs £30 to enroll, with an ongoing monthly fee of £5. Membership benefits include: A key for access to the front gate, café, and shop. Use of the green space, known as the Nature Trail, for outdoor activities at no charge. The ability to invite guests or clients to the venue, with members responsible for their guests' entry and exit. Discounts on member organizations' events and business activities. Available Spaces for Rent In addition to the Nature Trail, we offer several spaces available for rent: 1. Meeting Room Ideal for small groups and meetings, this space can be sealed off from the café area and has its own entrance. Rates: Full day or evening: £40 Half day (up to 4 hours): £30 Per hour: £10 2. Massage Room Fully equipped and sound-insulated, suitable for treatments or one-on-one consultations. Rates: Full day or evening: £35 Half day (up to 4 hours): £20 Per hour: £12 3. Treatment Room Commonly used by a beautician, available for various treatments. Rates: Full day or evening: £40 Half day (up to 4 hours): £30 Per hour: £15 4. Private Side Garden Suitable for small family events or gatherings, accommodating 50 or more people. Rates: Full day or evening: £50 + £5 per adult (children negotiable) Half day (up to 4 hours): £40 + £3 per adult (children negotiable) 5. BBQ Area Rates: Exclusive use: Full day or evening: £50 or half day (up to 4 hours): £30 Family use (1 member + spouse and 2 children): Free when shared with other families, additional guests £5 per head. 6. Lake Joy Rates: Exclusive use: £120 for all day or all night, includes the hut. Redbridge Lakes continues to be a hub for community and wellbeing, offering various spaces and opportunities for members and their guests to enjoy and benefit from. Join us in fostering a supportive and collaborative environment.
Fishing Rules:
All anglers must pay for fishing before they leave the venue.
No Keep nets to be used. (except in competitions or with prior consent)
Landing nets will be supplied by the fishery if you don't have your own. -
Keep nets for competitions must be clean and dry before use.
Only single BARBLESS hooks to be used.
Trace lines must be used with a lower breaking strain to main line.
No excessive ground baiting or disposing of bait in the water or on bankside at the end of the day.
This can lead to poor water quality, distressed fish, poor catch rates and vermin problems (Any unused bait must be taken away or left with the management for proper disposal). -
No fishing from anywhere except the designated fishing positions.
All fish must be returned to the water as soon as possible.
Fish must be unhooked carefully. if you are unable to disgorge a fish please ask for assistance.
Swinging large fish to hand without the use of a landing net will not be tolerated.
Walking along the bank with fish will not be tolerated.
Photographs of fish must be with fish in or over a wet net close to the ground.
Do not use a towel to hold fish as it removes their protective slime.